In order to resolve a delinquent balance, the account must be paid. However, there are situations where a customer may not owe some or all of the taxes outstanding—for example, if you are being taxed on an aircraft you no longer own or equipment from a business that is closed. Here are a few things you can do to evaluate your tax bill:
If you owned the personal property during the tax years in question...
Ensure that you are in agreement with the property's value, which can be found on your tax bill. For any other assistance with values, you may contact the Beaufort County Auditor's Office online or by calling 843-255-2500. They are the team that assesses value on all motor vehicles and personal property.
If you did not own the personal property or didn't operate the business during the tax years in question...
Please contact the Beaufort County Auditor's Office online or by calling 843-255-2500 to see what steps may be taken to remove the tax.
If these actions result in an adjustment of your property's value or your taxes due, the Treasurer's Office will automatically update or remove the balance due from the Setoff Debt Program.